måndag 2 augusti 2010

Battlegrounds, a good way of getting entertained.

As the topic says I've found out how much fun you can actually have by doing battlegrounds these days. The last week or so I've farmed up all the gear I could get without arena rating and this includes alot of time spent in battlegrounds(duh!).

Anyway, here is a little list of diff things or people I've encountered so far;

"The tunnel vision guy" - This is the person you most often notice in an EOTS or WSG(Simply because their tunnel vision gets even more transparent when there is a flag involved). This is the person in an EOTS who you see charging in towards the flag and then die, he/she then repeats this pattern a few times untill he actually gets a hold of the flag, by then your team has lost all the bases and there is nowhere to turn in the flag. But dont let that fool you, this person will still run around with the flag and protect it like it was his/her own child! This person totally ignores everything thats going on in the particular BG except what he/she has set her mind on, i.e if he/she is set on capping that Gold Mine he/she sure as hell is gonna die trying even if it means losing with 50 - 1600 resources..

"The chat maniac" - This is the person who through out the BG just sits around and mindlessly spams the BG chat with either bad jokes or stuff a 8 year old with ADHD would say. They completeley ignore that it's a BG and not a social network site. Also when someone remarks this they just reply with stuff like "Get laid" or "Get a life noob".

"The sour loser" - Very common person. We all know this one, the guy/girl who comes into the BG and starts spamming tactic macros and yelling like a mad man what people should do. 5 min later when said person realizes that calling people assholes doesnt make them follow orders you see something like "OMG FUCKING NOOBS I GIVE UP" in the chat followed by a "IM JUST GONNA STAND IN FLAGROOM SO WE LOSE FASTER" or something similiar.

"The PvP Heroes" - Also a pretty common type. The person who thinks you are losing a WSG game vs a full premade because 1 guy in your team doesnt have over 1200 resiliance. He then proceeds to call most people PvE heroes and brag about his arena skills. Even tho this person very often play easymode FOTM setups. Also very often doesnt really do much him/herself to actually try to win said BG.

This is just a few I could think of right now, do you know any other types I might have missed?


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